Disclaimer: These uses have been compiled by Independent AVON Representatives and their customers. This list has not been endorsed, nor approved, by Avon Products, Inc.
1. Zillions of bubbles that leave NO bath tub ring.
2. Does a beautiful job on washing cars, mobile homes, RVs, and boats.
3. Great as a laundry detergent, no fabric softener needed.
4. Better than "Woolite" for hand washing delicates.
5. Heavily soiled laundry? Pre-soak in bubble bath for a few minutes. Can even remove ring around the collar and get the grease out of work clothes.
6. Wash windows.
7. Give pets a bath.
8. Wash no wax floors.
9. Wash dishes.
10. Wash walls and ceilings.
11. Clean bathroom fixtures and mirrors.
12. Wash appliances.
13. Use to shampoo carpets (whole room or a spot).
14. Cleans chandeliers and light fixtures.
15. Use bubbles and sponge to shampoo furniture or vehicle interiors.
16. Cleans china, windows, etc. (all glass).
17. Wash your plant leaves, they will shine. Then pour into soil as a fertilizer.
18. Upholstery stains come out by rubbing with a damp cloth dipped in full strength bubble bath. Do not wet the sponge with water. Water may leave a stain, the bubble bath won't.
19. Clean your jewelry - even costume jewelry.
20. Splatter grease (butter too) on a good blouse? Put straight bubble bath on the spot, let sit a few minutes and wash. No spots!
21. Wash Venetian blinds.
22. Wash paneling - no rinsing, no streaks.
23. Clean your eye glasses.
24. Put some bubble bath and a bit of water in your potpourri burner.
25. Clean your painted or real wood cupboards.
26. Fill your pump "hand cleaner" in the bathroom and kitchen, as well. It's not antibacterial, but it sure works good and smells great!
Friday, January 26, 2007
Other Uses for Avon Bubble Bath
Posted by
9:42 AM
Labels: bubble bath, cleaning, product, tidbits, tips
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
A great site to help our soldiers!
I came across this site today and plan on sending a care package/letter as soon as I can. Regardless of what you may think of the war and whether or not we should be there, these people have dedicated their lives or at least this time in their life to serving our country. They need our support. They need to know that what they are doing is not in vain.
Take a look. If you can send something, anything, even if its only a letter, please do. Put yourself in their shoes for just a moment.
Here's the site: http://www.anysoldier.com/
Posted by
12:55 PM
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
14 Ways To Use Perfume
Came across this list and thought I would share. Enjoy!
14 Ways To Use Perfume
You already know about dabbing some on your pulsepoints but there are many other, inexpensive, waysto ensure a delightfully perfumed scent.
1. Spray cologne on damp towel-dried hair before combing.
2. Dab a few drops of perfume on light bulbs. The heat will diffuse fragrance when light is on.
3. Saturate cotton balls with scent, let dry, tuck in pillowcases.
4. Spray cologne on underside of wooden book shelves. Wood holds scent.
5. Store scented soap, unwrapped, in lingerie drawer.
6. Spray panty-hose from waist to knees
7. Dab cologne on a sheet of plain-bond paper, let dry, keep it in your attaché case under business paper.
8. Pick up comers of rug and carpets; spray underside with cologne.
9. Saturate lace hankie and tuck in comer of your purse.
10. Put all your empty perfume bottles and stoppers in bureau drawers. Throw out only when all traces of fragrance are gone.
11. Dab perfume on radiator vents.
12. Put perfume on petals of artificial flowers.
13. Spray fabric-covered hangars in clothes closet.
14. Spritz perfume on your bra before putting it on in the morning.
Check out our newest perfume "be...tempting"
♥ - Sandy
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
57 Ways to Advertise (Online & Offline)
I was sent a great list of ways to advertise your business from another member of a group I am in. I am not sure (nor was the person who sent it to me) who originally wrote this list, if you know, please let me know so I can give credit where credit is due.
57 Ways to Advertise On and Offline!!
Keep in mind, many of these options require specific permission from the places specified. The last thing you want to do is give your business a bad name by "illegally" placing your ads there. Usually if you politely ask, the answer may be "yes." The worst that can happen is they'll say "no" and then you can pick another place.
1. Bumper stickers
2. Flyers
3. Business cards
4. PersonalizedT-shirts
5. Message boards
6. Free classifieds
7. Ezines
8. Paid ads
9. Postcards
10. Purchased leads
11. Bookmarks for libraries
12. Co-ops
13. Newsgroups
14. Word of mouth(friends and family)
15. Forwarded emails (Signature Line!)
16. Inexpensive lapel buttons
17. Pens to hand out
18. Welcome baby cards for hospitals
19. Request 5 mins at the beginning of different mom groups (MOPS, Breastfeeding classes, Lamaz classes, wherever moms may be that are interested in what you offer)
20. Create a tri-fold: More info type handout that briefly explains your business. Attach a mini sample & your business card.
21. Welcome baskets of samples + business card to newcomers in the area
22. Community Colleges (lots of moms w/computers there)
23. Put a business card in all outgoing mail including anything that has a postage paid envelope! 24. Visit establishments you do business with (doctor's office, health food stores, karate/dance studios,etc) and ask if you can leave flyers or brochures
25. Car magnets - You can put magnets all over your car without asking anyone
26. Bookmarks in library books should be cleared with the librarians first
27. Index cards - leave in restrooms at restaurants or on cork boards around grocery stores
28. Get a booth at school events and share what you offer.
29. Check into an ad in school sponsored publications (directories, PTA booklets, etc). A great targeted audience and usually very affordable.
30. Set up a "free giveaway/free info" box in any store that will give you permission.
31. Post flyers at apartment complexes if they will allow it.
32. Under windshield wipers of cars of people who attend your Church, etc.
33. Sending a pamphlet with a business card with your child to hand out to everyone in his/her class to take home to mommy and daddy (or to each teacher)
34. Buy a pre-inked, personalized stamp and put your ad on it. Stamp the back of all your envelopes that you mail out. Do you know how many people look at an envelope before it gets opened by the mail department? A LOT!
35. Biz cards in the side pockets of diaper bags while shopping
36. Junk mail with the postage paid envelopes, I send a flyer back to the company and it's free postage!
37. On our light poles are clear tubes for the park owners to put flyers and stuff in
38. Gift basket raffles at Church bazaars, fish fries at your local community hall, any small town function (biz card in the basket) and biz cards on the table next to it
39. Lots of people love raffles -
40. ALSO make gift baskets (if you sell a product that would work for this) for family, friends, neighbors, etc. for birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, baby showers, bridal showers - you have to buy a gift anyway - make it a VERY SPECIAL one!
41. Replying to spam email with own business ad.
42. Give your business cards to friends and family and ask them to give them out to people they know that might be interested. But turn your business card over and put their name on it and offer an incentive for prospects they send you.
43. Put up flyers at the local colleges and large grocery stores
44. Slip biz cards into kids books and toy packaging
45. Slip pamphlets children's books at the bookstore
46. In the women's devotional bibles in the Christian book store I put my card and a pamphlet
47. I left pamphlets by the change machine in the mall arcade too!
48. Use vinyl letters on the sun visor for your car to show your site
49. Use the old metal Band-Aid or gum tins & re-cover them, put a magnet on the back, then put your business cards in them. Attach this to your car when you go into a store
50. If you go to garage sales, ask if you can leave a few of your flyers there.
51.My husband and I own a Tractor Trailer (18 wheeler Rig) that travels all over the USA. We have a sign company preparing an ad for the back of the trailer right now.If anyone knows any Owner Operators, they could approach them to ask how much they would charge for advertising on their trailer!
52.Leave a business card with your tip for your waiter/waitress.
53.Put brochures/flyers on car windshields at your kids sporting events.
54.I really like the idea of purchasing cheap seed packets (WAL-MART for $.10/each) and putting a cute tag on them with my pertinent info on it as well as a saying such as "I'm in the business of helping people grow".
55.If you offer applicable products, pass out sample sizes at school events packaged cleverly with your business card
56.Business cards with a magnetic back really "stick" in people's minds as well as on their refrigerator!
57.Call all the malls and hospitals in your area to see when they are having a baby expo...when they are I go and walk around and pass out business cards and/ or brochures
Think out of the BOX! If you have any ideas yourself...please post them!
Posted by
10:44 AM
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Happy New Year!
Well the new year is off to a good start! I decided to get a website and it is now up and running! It has had quite a few hits and I even had 3 orders on it already! Three doesn't sound like a lot, but I think its pretty good considering its only been up for about a week and a half or so!
I'm trying to be more organized and efficient in the new year. I got a new organizer for my avon related paperwork and even a case to store samples in. I'm hoping to find the time tonight to get the samples set up in the case.
My goal this month (really for the next two weeks) is to learn the web office system that helps me to edit my website and organize my customer base. I would like to know exactly what this system can do for me and how it can help me grow my business.
I am off to contact some customers for delivery.
Posted by
1:21 PM
Labels: goals, organizing, thoughts