Uses for Skin So Soft*
(As compiled by my fellow Avon Reps and their customers).
1. It's a bath oil and after shower moisturizer.
2. It can be used to remove makeup.
3. Great tanning oil (no sunscreen).
4. Hot oil treatment to soften cuticles.
5. Great massage oil for tired muscles.
6. Cleans off tape marks left from bandages on skin.
7. Cleans ink off the skin.
8. Insect repellent.
9. Helps relieve itching caused by dry skin.
10. Cleans oil and grease off of skin.
11. Painting something? Use SSS to remove paint from the hands. (Instead of turpentine).
12. It soothes light sunburn.
13. Rub hands with it before washing, it helps get them cleaner.
14. Rub on dry, cracked skin.... helps heal skin in 2-3 days.
15. Put 1-2 cap fills in liquid soap and use it for shaving legs and under arms. Helps razor glide and leaves skin feeling smooth.
16. Pour a little into your Foot Saver to help moisturize your feet while you relax them.
17. It removes chewing gum from hair, skin, and most nonporous surfaces.
18. Cleans permanent ink off stamps.
19. SSS Original Bath Oil works GREAT on Head Lice!!!!! Saturate head and let it set for 15 minutes. Then rinse under an outdoor faucet, but the lice were gone!!!!!!! Of course shampoo hair a couple of times to get the oil out, but the lice were gone and stayed gone!
20. It kills ants instantly.
21. Spray on skin to relieve dry itching skin. Helps skin retain it's elasticity.
22. Wash hair with shampoo and conditioner like always and after it dries.... Use about the size of a dime of SSS and rub it in your hair. It goes straight in and leaves hair as shiny as the ads on TV, not greasy at all, just soft and shiny.
23. Use bath oil towelettes -- cover windowsill with towelettes to keep ants out.
24. (LICE) Sometimes, using a bath oil, like Avon's SSS, will work to loosen the glue, which holds the nits to the hair. There is a product called Neon Nits, which when sprayed on the hair, will highlight the nits so you can see them to then snip them out with a small scissors.
25. This is to let you readers known about something that helped me for a mild case of psoriasis on my elbows. My internist recommended that I try Avon's SSS bath oil spray. I did and it eliminated the psoriasis on my elbows.
26. Bath use, fill bath with water and a little SSS, very relaxing and gets rid of dry skin.
27. Sponge it around doors, windows, and on screens to keep crawling bugs out.
28. It's a good wood cleaner and conditioner for natural wood.
29. It removes glue and gum left from price tags and labels on glass, metals, and most plastics.
30. It removes soap scum from shower doors and curtains, and bathroom and kitchen figures.
31. It removes lime and hard water deposits from fixtures, tile, shower doors and windows.
32. It's an oil lubricant for fitting pipe joints that won't slip together.
33. It cleans ink off most vinyl and painted surfaces.
34. It cleans heavy oil and grease from nonporous surfaces.
35. It takes fur off of clothing.
36. Rub on brass ornaments or figurines to help keep them from turning dark.
37. Removes crayon from appliances and most painted surfaces.
38. Wash cupboards with it mixed in your cleaning water to keep ants off and out of the cupboards.
39. Use it to discourage hornets from building their nests. After using a hornet killing spray, remove the nest and keep the area sprayed with SSS. They will not rebuild there.
40. Use it to clean leather; it will also keep it soft and supple.
41. Use it on your air conditioning screen (filter)--your incoming air will smell fresher and the filter is easier to clean.
42. Rub all over windowsills to keep ants out.
43. It cleans paintbrushes easily and leaves them soft as new.
44. It removes gum from carpets.
45. It removes scuffmarks from patent leather shoes.
46. Use it on running rails for sliding glass doors and windows.
47. It removes "ring around the collar".
48. It removes liquid nail (paneling glue).
49. Two glass bowls or glasses stuck together? Drizzle a little SSS down the sides and they'll come apart easily.
50. It removes candle wax from furniture, carpets and clothing.
51. Hummingbird Feeders: To deter bees try rubbing SSS on the feeder surface by the feeder ports.
52. Maggots too!! You squirted SSS in can and lid, then later flushed with soapy water, you shouldn't have any bugs in cans rest of summer!!!
53. It is a great furniture polish!
54. Ok, we have a new use for SSS bath oil. Put it in one of the bottle that you attach to your backyard hose and then spray down the back yard! Will cut down on ants, mosquitoes and other creepy crawlies.
55. People around the outskirts of Eureka and surrounding areas (and sometimes in town) spray it on their rose bushes to keep the deer from eating them, and at the cemeteries on the flowers they put out there for the same reason.
56. Kills spiders.
57. It cuts grease and cleans dirt from range hoods.
58. Add a capful to wash water of clothes...acts as a fabric softener and keeps the bugs off clothes.
59. Spray on orchids and other flowers for moisture and to keep bugs away.
60. Cleans baseball caps. Just spray on and rub with toothbrush.
61. SSS I used this recipe mix one part SSS and 2 parts water on my tomato plants and kept those ugly old tomato worms off. I think that adding the vinegar would be fine too and would be nice not to have to shake the spray bottle all the time. I sprayed my plants about every 2 or 3 days. Worked grand!! Too late for most this year, but file this for next.
62. SSS bath oil also does a great job cleaning cherry wood cabinets.
63. Put a little in your mopping water to help keep crawling bugs out. (Not too much or the floor gets slippery.)
64. Use to clean windows.
65. Removes crayon from most surfaces.
66. It's a great insect repellent (or you can use Bug Guard, the actual SSS repellent)
67. Screens can be lightly sprayed with Avon SSS to repel no-see-'ums and tiny gnats that otherwise might slip though the screens.
68. Another use for SSS is it will kill those pesky earwigs. Spray it on & they don't return to life.
69. Also if you ever make candles, use clear wax and melt put SSS in it and harden works great for out side in the summer.
70. As a deodorizer, spray into air and let settle, kills those nasty pet orders.
71. Kids rooms if a child wets the bed, spray the bedding and sheets before washing and will give it a fresh clean smell.
72. It's a great insect repellent for your pet. (As recommended in "Outdoor Life" and "Field and Stream")
73. Mix 5 parts water, 1 part SSS and mist on animals. Brushing it in makes their coats gleam and keeps insects off so the animals don't fidget in the show ring.
74. Mix in your pet's bath water. It takes the fleas off of them...and in between sprays them with the same mixture as in #2 to help keep them off.
75. Rub on your hands before and after working with your pets and farm animals. It will remove the strong smells.
76. Black Fly Spray For Dogs: Use as a spray or a dip. 1 cup SSS, 1/2 cup liquid detergent and 3 gallons of water.
77. For dogs dry skin mix 1 tablespoon of SSS per gallon of water and use as an after bath rinse. Or spritz your pet's coat once per week.
78. If your dog should get tar or asphalt on the pads of their feet rub on SSS and then wipe off.
79. Flea Bath: Use a flea and tick shampoo. Rinse, rinse, rinse so no soap residue is left. Follow with final rinse of 2 gallons of water mixed with flea dip and 1 capful of SSS. The SSS helps replace the oils lost in bathing and has the added benefit of repelling insects.
80. Flea Repellent: Avon's SSS Bath Oil. 1-1/2 ounces per gallon of water; used as a sponge-on dip (or as a spritz) has been tested and proven to have significant, but not complete, flea-repellent activity for a 6-day period. It should help those dry coats, too.
81. Does anyone use the Avon SSS bath oil on his or her chows? I have begun using it on Chancey and it has done wonders for her skin. Like, many chows, she has very dry and flaky skin, especially for being black. Since I started using that product, her dandruff and itchiness has improved tremendously and her hair has become shiny and smooth. It also serves as a great flea and tick protector. I use it about twice a month and I just spray it on her. I really like it.
82. I use the following on my horses and on my dogs when necessary. 1-cup Avon SSS bath oil 1-cup white vinegar 1-cup (or more) water 5 cc of essential oil of citronella (from the health food store NOT the type you burn to keep insects away that is available in a drug store) Mix in a spray bottle. Straight SSS works well for mosquito_s too but really makes your dog greasy.
83. (Barns) Use of an inexpensive fly control spray or a diluted mix of Avon SSS in water can be sprayed on barn walls and floor to discourage insects from hanging around or to eliminate them before putting in the new bedding. As time permits, and if you can keep your goats out of the barn for a few hours - let the barn stand and air out before re-filling with bedding.
84. Rub on your hands before and after working with pets and farm animals, takes away pet odor.
85. Avon's SSS bath oil massaged directly into the skin of your Rottweiler acts not only as a successful repellant and makes their dogs smell good but helps prevent drying and itchy skin.
86. A natural way to help cats with flea problems and flea allergies is to rub Skin So Soft into the skin. Once a bug, always a bug. Fleas don't like it either! Spread the word!
87. Cats: SSS IS SAFE FOR FUR LICKING -------The SSS plus is safe as long as it is the one without sunscreen.
88. Don't overuse the SSS. I just use the lotion, and rub it into the skin, not more than every few days. My cat's sensitive and we're being careful. Common sense is the rule. Sprinkling Yeast on the cat food helps, too. My cat's fur is medium-length; he's part Persian, and he's doing fine, no ill effects from the SSS. You can check with your vet to be sure if it's okay...
89. SSS can be used as a hoof polish. This will put a nice shine to the hoof without drying it. The farrier's wife will appreciate this one!
90. SSS can be used as a muzzle, eye, and ear enhancer. Generally we used baby oil but it was so messy. I tried SSS and it works great and still helps keep bugs away.
91. I have a show mare that has allergies and also gets dry skin very easily so I started giving her baths in SSS. What I do is bathe her like normal and then I put a capful of SSS in a 5-gallon bucket of warm water and sponge this all over her. Her hair coat dries silky soft and she quits itching. Works for her.
92. The bug guard towelettes we had last summer work great on the horse_s ears and around their eyes.
93. When I have to band (braid) their manes I use the Techniques Oil Sheen. It seems to help hold the braids a lot better and they don't try to rub them out.
94. The dry end serum works great in their tails as a detangler. Everything I have mentioned here I use faithfully on our show horses. The products are a heck of a lot cheaper than actual horse products. People see me using these products at the horse shows and start inquiring about them. I usually let them take my bottles and try them on their horses at the show, which usually ends up in a sale for me.
95. It removes tar spots from the car without damage to the paint.
96. Use it to clean vinyl dashboards, seats, and tops. It not only cleans, but also keeps it soft and helps to prevent any cracking.
97. After washing your car, use it as a tire dressing to keep them looking like new.
98. Put some on a small washcloth and leave in the car to help keep the air fresh and clean.
99. Wipe down vinyl surfaces inside your car. Cleans nicely and removes smoke odors left by cigarette smokers.
100. It gently cleans heavy grease and oil from skin and nonporous surfaces (great for Mechanic's Hands).
101. It removes tree sap.
102. Prior to traveling...rub SSS on headlights and grill. It makes insects and bugs easier to remove.
103. Shines vehicle tires
104. Open a towelette and use as an automotive air freshener.
*SSS bath oil is approved by the FDA/CDA only as a bath oil. This list is compiled by Independent Reps and Customers. Avon makes no claims of these uses, nor have they.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Over 100 uses for AVON's Skin So Soft!
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10:00 AM
Labels: advertising, Avon, hints, ideas, Skin So Soft, tidbits, tips
Thursday, July 26, 2007
I saw on the news this morning that today is one of those lesser-known or, UN-official holidays. It's All or Nothing Day. Who comes up with these things? On one site I found, it's also Aunt and Uncle Day. So, happy day to you if you are an aunt or an uncle. If you have an aunt or an uncle, combine both days and go ALL out and do something great for them!
As a rep, I think it would be great to take advantage of ALL or Nothing Day. So today, I'm going to give it my ALL and put some hard wark into my business. Hopefully, I will get a few new customers out of it. If not, at least a few orders! My goal for today is to get all the older catalogs I have labelled and ready to send out as sample catalogs. Doesn't sound like much, but I have A LOT of them!! I would also like to get a list of the inventory I have on hand and send it out to my customers.
I found this info about All or Nothing Day on
How would one describe All or Nothing Day. It is certainly as day of extremes. If you're a gambler, it's a day to go for broke. A little drastic day, perhaps. There's definitely no grey area in how you spend this day.
We hope you have it all on All or Nothing Day, and every day.
Posted by
8:50 AM
Labels: articles, free shipping, Holidays, marketing, misc., organizing, productive, reps, thoughts, tidbits, tips, Wierd
Monday, July 23, 2007
One Word MeMe
I have been tagged by Lauren. Tag is always a fun game, so I’m in. You can only answer each question with one word.
1. Where is your cell phone? Desk
2. Relationship? Married.
3. Your hair? Up.
4. Work? Steady.
5. Your sister? Love.
6. Your favorite thing? Family.
7. Your dream last night? Short.
8. Your favorite drink? Soda.
9. Your dream car? Rover.
10. The room you’re in? Office.
11. Your shoes? Black.
12. Your fears? Loss.
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? Happy.
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? Kids.
15. What are you not good at? Dieting.
16. Muffin? Chocolate.
17. One of your wish list items? DSLR.
18. Where you grew up? Philly
19. Last thing you did? Copy
20. What are you wearing? Clothes.
21. What aren’t you wearing? Earrings.
22. Your pet? None.
23. Your computer? HP.
24. Your life? Good.
25. Your mood? Tired.
26. Missing? Hubby.
27. What are you thinking about right now? Hubby.
28. Your car? Buick.
29. Your kitchen? Old.
30. Your summer? Short.
31. Your favorite color? Pink.
32. Last time you laughed? Today.
33. Last time you cried? Unsure.
34. School? Done.
35. Love? Family.
Okay, so the idea with tagging is to name some other bloggers as the ones being tagged. Most of the other bloggers I know have already been tagged. So, I’m going to pick some randomly and tag them! Hey I would still tag the closest kid on the playground, even if I didn’t know them, right? LOL So surviving nj and homemom3 - Tag, you're it!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Feeling productive
My avon order came in last night. It was the biggest one I have had since going on maternity leave. I sat down sorted through it and tried to get back into the swing of things. I got it all bagged and ready to deliver. As of right now, I have one order left to deliver! Not bad!
Now that I got that out of the way, I better get out there and drum up new order for the next campaign!
Posted by
12:33 PM
Labels: Avon, deliveries, productive
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
7 Organizing Secrets of Succesful People
I found a great article on Mommys Helper Online that I thought would be nice to share with other reps. Happy reading!
7 Organizing Secrets of Successful People
What is your definition of success? At the very least, you probably desire a certain amount of free time and money. Getting organized will help you be successful, however you define it.
1. Control your time instead of letting it control you. Have a plan every day. Make a to-do list. You'll accomplish more.
2. Delegate repetitive tasks to employees and family members. Outsource. Pay or barter to have others do what you don't do well (or don't want to do).
3. Set goals and priorities. Write them down. Post them. Focus on them daily. Continually ask yourself, "Is this the best use of my time right now?"
4. Batch activities. Spending a specific amount of time on like activities is more of a time saver than flitting back and forth between unrelated tasks.
5. Overcome paper overload. Set up a simple filing system. Process your paper daily.
6. Have a place for everything. Keep like things together. De-clutter. Move excess stuff out of your life.
7. Live with a budget. Spend both time and money wisely so you'll have plenty of each.
Visit to pick up your free tips booklet50 Ways to Manage Your Time
Copyright 2002-06 Barbara Myers. All Rights Reserved.
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2:23 PM
Labels: articles, free shipping, organizing, tips