Thursday, February 21, 2008

Don't Be So Callus!

Having a callus is no laughing matter. I know I have one on each foot. I have tried everything I can at home to get rid of it. I tried callus pads, they cushion a little but stil hurt. I tried filing, buffing, rubbing and soaking. I tried Callus removing serum. I wouldn't recommend that one.

I put the liquid on as directed twice a day. After two days, my feet were purple, peeling and burning everywhere EXCEPT where the callus was!! Not good. I decided to give up and try to find a podiatrist to help me out since at this point I was too afraid to even go for a pedicure!

A few days later I was looking through my latest Avon catalog to get ready for marketing. Lo and behold there was an Intensive Callus Cream. It looked more like a lotion, but what could it hurt. At this point anything to stop the peeling and burning was fine by me! So I ordered it.I have been using it for 3 days.

My feet have never been softer, smoother or happier!! The calluses are still there, but they are getting softer. They don't hurt anymore and I can actually wear shoes with some degree of incline! I would recommend this stuff to anyone that wants happy feet!!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Happy New Year

Wow, has it really been that long since I last posted??? Yikes. ok, New Year's Resolution #1, post more often on the blog.

Needless to say, the holidays with 2 small children and a small business are nothing short of chaotic. Throw in hosting parties and dinners and life is just turned upside down. I guess that leads to Resolution # 2, be more organized.

I am actually working on that one. We have a room in the basement that is separated from the main part of the basement. In an effort to get more organized and not look like our house is a vandalized Toys R Us, we have decided to turn that room into an office/playroom. Mainly for now we are cleaning out the old boxes and lingering crap. We did get a lot of the toys in there organized in some fantastic bins/shelves from IKEA. They have various sized bins that slide into tracks on the shelves. This allowed me to separate the legos from the little people from the puppets. I'm hoping it stays that way and we can work on other areas of the room!

Friday, December 07, 2007

What Kind of Pizza Are You?

The ladies over at Mommies Coffee Break posted a fun post. They want to know what your pizza says about you!

Here's mine:

What Your Pizza Reveals

Your appetite is pretty average. You don't go overboard - but you don't deprive yourself either.

You are a very picky pizza eater. Not any pizza will do. You fit in best in the Northeast part of the US.

You like food that's traditional and well crafted. You aren't impressed with "gourmet" foods.

You are generous, outgoing, and considerate with your choices.

You are unadventurous and boring. You should consider staying home when taking a vacation.

The stereotype that best fits you is redneck. Your friends secretly agree.

Completely Clean Anti-Aging Thermal Cleanser - Review

I just started using Avon's Completely Clean Anti-Aging Thermal Cleanser. It is described on Avon's website as follows:

"Our first-ever self-heating nutrient-enriched cleanser helps wash away visible signs of aging. Cleanser micro beads smooth surface texture & remove dirt & oil.
• Instantly smoothes skin's surface and helps relax pores.
• In 2 weeks reduces the appearance of lines."

WOW. I love it so far. It is yet to be determined if it produces any real results after using it for a while.

The first time I used it, I did get a little shock. Of course, totally my fault. I was in the shower ready to cleanse, wetting my face. I got the cleanser put it on my hand with a little water and started to rub it on my face. Whoa! My face started getting hot and I started to freak out thinking I was having some kind of a reaction. After a few seconds the warmness started to cool and my face felt slightly tingly. Then I looked at the tube again. Duh, THERMAL cleanser! (Note: On the tube it says, it is not recommended to store product in the shower.)

After my shower, my skin felt really clean and rejuvenated! I've used this cleanser twice since then. I love the way it feels, even that suprising little jolt of warmth! I'm not sure yet if it has had any lasting effect on my skin, but I sure hope so!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Goals for the New Year

Ok, so I was sitting here thinking about how I really need to get organized but yet I never do anything about it. Well I am going to start making my goals for the new year. I'm just going to list some here in no particular order:


  • Keep receipts and organize business expenses better
  • Organize stocked product in a better way
  • Clean out basement office area and set up more functional
  • Evaluate filing system and make changes as needed
  • Evaluate brochure storage and tactics for getting them out there

That's all I have for now. I'll be adding to and tweaking that list when I can.