Thursday, January 04, 2007

Happy New Year!

Well the new year is off to a good start! I decided to get a website and it is now up and running! It has had quite a few hits and I even had 3 orders on it already! Three doesn't sound like a lot, but I think its pretty good considering its only been up for about a week and a half or so!

I'm trying to be more organized and efficient in the new year. I got a new organizer for my avon related paperwork and even a case to store samples in. I'm hoping to find the time tonight to get the samples set up in the case.

My goal this month (really for the next two weeks) is to learn the web office system that helps me to edit my website and organize my customer base. I would like to know exactly what this system can do for me and how it can help me grow my business.

I am off to contact some customers for delivery.